List of injured Columbine students
On December 8, 1999, the shooting victims were invited to a skiing weekend by Disabled Sports USA. Read an article about that here or here. Click here to read an article about the treatment of some of the most seriously wounded victims, or see a video report here |
While in the hospital, Lance got a visit from singer Shania Twain nad the band Aerosmith. "Lance has worked hard to overcome adversity. He believes in treating others as he would want to be treated. He is sensitive, caring and able to put the needs of others before his own. Though he is unable to speak at this time due to the nature of his injuries, he has indicated tremendous sadness and concers for the others affected by this tragedy. Knowing Lance, he would want to be available to comfort others and is moved by the outpouring of love and support he has received. We know that Lance has many challenges to address, and we count on and ask for your continued prayers and support in the months ahead for all students and families affected. Lance is an outdoorsman and loves to fish. He likes the opportunity to be in the mountains with family and friends. We know that his sadness will be lightened when he is again able to go to the mountains. On behalf of Lance, we would like to thank all involved in Lance's rescue, Littleton and other communities throughout Colorado, across the country and worldwide for their prayers, support and love extended to Lance and his family. Especially all Lance's family in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, we appreciate your prayers and love. We would also like to thank Denver Health administrators, Surgical Intensive Care staff, Emergency Department staff, surgeons and everyone for caring for Lance and our family." Dawn, Mike and Amanda Kirklin
Click here to read an article from USA Today about Lance's summer in 1999. Click here to see more pictures of Lance. Lance is 17 years old and was transferred to Columbine in October 1998. He started his junior year at Columbine High School on August 16, 1999. He is one of the few injured Columbine students that doesn't think gun control is a good idea, and he still likes to go hunting nad fishing. Lance says he hasn't changed that much after he got shot:
Lance Kirklin Fund 1st Bank of Arapahoe County P.O. Box 2297 Littleton, Colorado 80161 Lance Kirklin Support Fund c/o Everen Securities P.O. Box 2297 8005 S. Chester St. Suite 300 Englewood, CO 80112 Attn: Bret Roberts. Information: (303) 925-8500 or (800) 300-9648 The Lance Kirklin Columbine High School Victim Survivors Fund Donations may be made at any First Bank, or sent to: First Bank P.O. Box 2297 Littleton, CO 80161 Citywide Bank Funds For Isaiah Shoels And Lance Kirklin Mail with individuals name to P.O. Box 128 Aurora, CO 80040
Valeen Schnurr
After the shooting, the story of the fatally shot victim Cassie Bernall have been known all over the US. She was asked by one of the gunmen whether she believed in God. She answered "yes", and he shot he. But the one who really said "yes" to that question was Valeen: she had been shot, and one of the gunmen asked her if she believed in God. When she said "yes", he miraculously walked away without killing her. You can read more about that by clicking here. Valeen is 19 years old, and graduated from Columbine High School on May 23. Member of the National Honor Society. She now attends the University of Northern Colorado. Valeen was one of several graduates to receive a William Sanders Memorial Scholarship, one of many memorial funds established in an outpouring of worldwide grief that sprang form the shooting. See more pictures of Valeen here. Swedish Medical Center The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Anne Marie Hochhalter
Click here to hear Ted Hochhalter read a message Anne Marie wrote while in the hospital. While in the hospital, she received a personal video taped message from actor Christopher Reeve, who was paralyzed after a horse accident in 1995. She also got a visit from singer Shania Twain. Anne Marie was transferred to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital on June 2, 1999, and was hospitalized there until August 13, though she will continue to undergo rehabilitation there. She chose to leave the hospital quietly, without a press conference. But she wrote her own press release. She wanted to share some very personal thoughts.
Anne Marie's Press Release "To all the people who have cared about me from the day I was hurt: I have many thanks to share. First, I wish to thank my family who has loved and supported me all through my recovery. I would like to thank the paramedics and staff at Swedish Medical Center who saved my life. I want to thank the Craig Hospital staff who taught me the skills to be independent again. I want to thank my many friends who have visited me and cared about my well-being from the very beginning. "Thanks also to the families who have brought meals to my family every night, and to all the caring people across the country who prayed for me, and who sent wonderful gifts and cards. They meant a lot to me. Your loving care and support have helped me tremendously to get through my recovery. "I still have many obstacles to overcome, but I know that I can do it and God will give me strength along the way. "Once again, I give my thanks to all of you. Anne Marie Hochhalter, August 12, 1999"
For the foreseeable future, Anne Marie will remain in a wheelchair. She is in constant pain, even with the medication that she will have to take for the rest of her life. Anne Marie is 18 years old and has a 16 year old brother named Nathan, also he a student at Columbine. While the shooting occured, Nathan was trapped in a science room. The Hochhalters moved to Littleton from Bismarck in 1988. Anne Marie is a Christian, and a member of Christ Lutheran Church (ELCA) in nearby Highlands Ranch, CO. She plays the clarinet in the Columbine marching band and is also a member of the string symphony, playing the violin. Other instruments she can play is the piano and the guitar. Anne Marie was not at the first schoolday on August 16 together with the other Columbine students, but returned for her senior year at Columbine a couple of weeks later. Read about her first day back at Columbine here.
In October 1999, the family moved into a new ranch-style home that volunteers had renovated to accommodate Anne Marie's wheelchair. Read more here. During a theraphy session in early October 1999, Anne Marie moved her legs for the first time. Read an article about that here. On October 22, 1999, Anne Marie's mother Carla killed herself. "Mrs. Hochhalter had suffered from clinical depression, and the Columbine shootings and her daughter's serious injuries were more than she could tolerate", relatives have said. Read more about that here. On March 22, 2000, Anne Marie and two other paralyzed Columbine victims met the paralyzed ex-superman Christopher Reeve. He told her he was "confident she was going to walk again", and she got to squeeze his biceps. Read more here. In a Denver Post series called Voices of Columbine, Anne Marie and her father, among others, have been interviewed. Read Anne Marie's interview here and Ted Hochhalter's here. Anne Marie graduated as a straight A student from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000 and will begin classes at Arapahoe Community College in August, 2000 with plans to transfer either to Colorado State University or the University of Denver in a year. She is planning to major in psychology. Read an article about Anne Marie by clicking here. See more pictures of her and her family here. Swedish Medical Center, Craig Rehabilitation Hospital Anne Marie Hochhalter Supplemental Care Trust 1st Bank of South Jeffco 6701 S. Wadsworth Blvd. P.O. Box 620009 Littleton, Colorado 80162-9903
Sean Graves
Sean was transferred to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital on May 4 to begin intensive theraphy in the spinal cord injury program. His injury has been termed as "incomplete", meaning he is paralyzed below the level of the wound but has some feeling and movement. Sean's doctors said his long-term prognosis is unknown. For mobility, he uses a wheelchair, but is able to walk 50 yards with the help of a walker. ![]() Sean left Craig Rehabilitation Center on July 7, saying he was working hard to walk again. "I really don't know what to do except to try to get back to normal -to do my best", he said upon departing. His father, Randy, thanked the community for embracing the victims. "We found that very comforting, very helpful for all in the family to get through this time of need". The Graves family have continued to ask that there be no media coverage or individual interview until further notice. They would like to periodically provide information about Sean's condition and progress, but want to maintain their privacy. ![]() Sean is 16 years old. To be wheelchair accesible, Sean's home has been re-modeled. He was not at Columbine on the first school-day, but has returned for his sophomore year now. He is taking all the required courses there: English, Spanish, science, social studies and math, but are skipping the electives. He goes to school from 7:30 a.m. until noon. Afterwards, he goes to Craig Hospital, where he is continuing his outpatient rehabilitation five days a week and also receives an hour of tutoring. The rehab counts as physical education credit at Columbine. Sean has just gotten his driver's license, and plans to learn how to drive a truck. See more pictures of Sean and his family here. Swedish Medical Center, Craig Rehabilitation Hospital The Sean Graves Recovery Fund c/o 1st Bank 6701 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, Colorado 80123 Donations will help the family defray costs of Sean's recovery.
Mark Kintgen
He is 18 years old and has a twin brother, Mike. Mark suffers from cerebral palsy. He has a 3.5 grade-point average and has worked as a teacher's assistant at Sylvan Learning Center for a year. Mark graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000, and is now planning to attend Arapahoe Community College. He hopes someday to work with computers or be an engineer. See more pictures of Mark and his family here. Denver Health Medical Center The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Richard Castaldo
Richard was transferred to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital on June 1. Hear Richard's father, Rick Castaldo, explain how his family's lives have been changed here. When the Columbine students returned to their school on August 16, Richard was the only injured still in hospital. But though his last memories of Columbine wasn't so good, he still returned there for his senior year: "All my friends are there. I don't see any reason to change", Richard said, "I'm pretty much just trying to pick up my life where I left off. . .except for a few things, of course." ![]() Richard was released from Craig Hospital on August 21, 1999. "I am glad to be going home, but it does make me a little nervous," he said, addressing the media before his exit. "I think I'm pretty much ready." "I try not to think about what happened to me too much, because I don't think it will really help in the long run." "I would like to get involved in gun control," Richard said. He said he also was interested in exploring medical research, promoting accessibility for the disabled and rallying for a crackdown on criminals, and he thanked those helping him during and after the shooting. Though he is released, he will still continue to undergo rehabilitation. His physical therapists said he responded well to therapy, and his mother, Connie Michalik, said he is "a kid who finishes every race." She said she is hopeful that with enough work, her son will walk again.Richard said the hardest part of rehabilitation was "trying to find some sanity" in the aftermath of the attack. In his senior year at Columbine, Richard took physics, chemistry and humanities and he had a home tutor schooling him in trigonometry. In December 1999, Richard and the other Columbine victims were invited to the Hartford Ski Spectacular, a huge annual gathering of disabled skiers. Read more here. On the 1 year anniversary of the shootings, April 20, 2000, Richard held a speech directed to shooting victim Rachel Scott's family where he appologized for not remembering Rachel's final moments (he was sitting next to her outside Columbine when they were shot). In a Denver Post series called Voices of Columbine, Richard, among others, have been interviewed. Read the interview here. Richard is 18 years old. He has a fifteen year old brother, Mike Castaldo and seventeen year old stephbrother, Mitchell Michalik. He transferred to Columbine from a private Catholic school in 1998. Richard used to play the tuba in the Columbine marching band and he plays the keyboard in a Denver band called Zebra Junction. He is active in church activities, and is a member of PeaceJam, an international peace foundation. The last one brought him to a meeting with the Dalai Lama in 1997. He is also leading an effort to collect school supplies to help the kids in war-ravaged East Timor. Read more here. ![]() He got his driver's license in February, 2000, and drives a wheelchair modified van. Richard graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000. He now plans to take a year off before deciding what to do with his life. He plans to attend Arapahoe Community College and get a degree in business and eventually own his own restaurant. See some more pictures of Richard and his family here. Swedish Medical Center, Craig Rehabilitation Hospital The Richard Castaldo Fund Attn: Cathy - 1st Bank of Littleton P.O. Box 2738 Littleton, Colorado 80161
Brian Anderson
Brian is 17 years old and graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000. He was a member of a campus leadership club called Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Hospital: Exempla Lutheran Medical Center The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Nicole Nowlen Was shot numerous times in the abdomen as she hid in the library. Released. Nicole is 16 years old. She had come to Littleton from California to live with her father in early 1999, and she decided to attend the same high school he'd gone to -- Columbine. She'd only been enrolled there about six weeks, and hadn't really made many friends, when the shooting erupted. But she has still returned to Columbine this year as a junior. Hospital: Exempla Lutheran Medical Center The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Mark Taylor
"I have a lot of pain up my back," he said. "I have a lot of spasms, and I'm still pretty weak.", he has said in an interview. Four of the eight bullets are still in him, two are near his aorta and two are in his spine. Mark is a born-again Christian, and has speaked about the shooting at several youth-rallies. Mark is 17 years old and a junior. He has not returned to Columbine, but are attending Dove Christian School instead.
See pictures of Mark by clicking here. Littleton Adventist Hospital Mark Taylor Fund c/o Sturniolo and Associates 1127 E. 16th Ave. Denver, CO 80218 Back to top
Stephanie Munson
Stephanie is 17 years old and a senior at Columbine High School After the shooting, Stephanie and her younger sister Jennifer designed a commemorative Columbine stuffed bear. The girls will donate 25 percent of their profits to help shooting victims with long-term medical costs and to help repair the school. The rest will go to the girls' college funds. Though the bears are not official Beanie Babies made by Ty, they are similar in design. One bear cost $10.95, plus $3.95 in shipping and handling. Send a check or a money order to:Kids Kreations P.O. Box 622002 Littleton, Colorado For more information, call (303) 933 1099 Read an article about Stephanie at the Hartford Ski Spectacular here. See more pictures of Stephanie here. Littleton Adventist Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Adam Kyler
Adam is 16 years old and a junior at Columbine. Littleton Adventist HospitalThe Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Lisa Kreutz
Lisa is 18 years old, and a member of the National Honor Society. Lisa graduated from Columbine High on May 23, 1999, and is now attending the University of Colorado.
Denver Health Medical Center The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Jennifer Doyle
Jennifer is 17 years old and graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000. She was one of the top gymnasts in the state the previous two years. She had to stop competing earlier this year because of a back injury. But six days a week she taught younger girls in a gymnastics club. Now, she's back coaching. Next fall, she plans to attend the University of Colorado and study physical theraphy. Littleton Adventist HospitalThe Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Stephen Austin Eubanks
Stephen is 18 years old and graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000.
Littleton Adventist Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Nick Foss
Nick is 18 years old and graduated from Columbine in May, 1999. Littleton Adventist Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Dan Steepleton
Dan is 17 years old and graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000. He was on the wrestling team and runs cross country. His grandparents said he wants to be a doctor and described him as "the perfect grandchild." Littleton Adventist Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Joyce Jankowski Was hurt when she fell from the ceiling where she was hiding. Treated and released. She is 45 years old and is now on a leave of absence she had requested before the shooting. Littleton Adventist HospitalThe Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Michael Johnson
Michael is 16 years old and a junior at Columbine. He works part time at Mann Theater.
St. Anthony Central Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Patricia Nielson
She is 35 years old, and was working as a part-time art teacher at Columbine before the shooting. She couldn't handle getting back to the school after the shooting, and took a leave of absence on October 15, but hopes to return to Columbine later. She has three kids, Josh, 9, Elise, 6, and Mallory, 2, with her housband Shane. After the shooting, mrs. Nielson has became involved in gun control. In May 2000, she will finish a master's in education with an emphasis on creative arts and learning. See more pictures of her here. Littleton Adventist Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Jeanna Park
Jeanna is 18 years old, and graduated from Columbine High School on May 23. She finished Columbine in the top 10 percent of her class, and was a honor graduate. She is now attending the University of California at Berkeley. Member of the National Honor Society. Denver Health Medical Center The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Kasey Ruegsegger Kasey was shot as she hid under computer table in the library, where she was studying, and suffered multiple gunshot wounds to right hand and shoulder. Craig Scott, whose sister Rachel had just been killed, helped her run out of the school. She was transferred to Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center and later eleased. Kasey is 18 years old. She had transferred to Columbine just months before the shootings because two of her friends had committed suicide and another had died of leukemia on her old school. Kasey didn't return to Columbine after the shooting, but instead attended Denver Christian High School , from where she has now graduated. She used to be a top competitor in the American Quarter Horse Association chapter in Denver before April 20, 1999. But even though she will never regain full movement in her right arm, she has still returned to the saddle. Next fall, she is going to attend Colorado State University with help from a $3,000 Columbine Memorial Scholarship fund grant. There she plans to major in communications. St. Anthony Central Hospital, Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical CenterKasey Ruegsegger C/o The Columbine High School Families' Assistance Fund HealthONE 600 S. Cherry St. Suite 217 Glendale, CO 80246
Evan Todd Escaped the library with relatively minor gunshot wounds to the back. Evan is 16 years old. Plays football. The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Makai Hall
Makai is 17 years old and graduated from Columbine High School on May 20, 2000. His friends have said that he loves the adventure of rock-climbing on weekends. St. Anthony Central Hospital The Healing Fund P.O. Box 46531 Denver, CO 80201 Please do not send cash
Patrick Ireland
One of the bullets grazed into his brain, causing severe trauma that left him partially paralyzed on the right side of his body. Patrick doesn't know if the rumors about a third gunman is true. "I closed my eyes", he said, "I didn't see anybody". He said he went through the second floor library window because "it was the shortest way down, out. My whole right side was paralyzed. I felt confident there would be someone there to catch me." While in the hospital, Patrick got a visit from singer Shania Twain.
He was transferred to Craig Rehabilitation Hospital on April 27, 1999, which specializes in brain and spinal cord injuries. He still suffers spasms and other effects of his injury, but has made great improvement. He hopes to get back to Nintendo and basketball, shooting pool and waterskiing. Patrick was released from Craig Hospital on July 2, but will continue to undergo daily speech and physical therapy and rehabilitation there. "I want to go back to school as quickly as possible", he said, "I'm feeling great". He returned to Columbine High School on Monday, August 23 1999, together with the other students. Patrick is 18 years old. Was a straight A student at Columbine High School before the shooting and known as "that dude always totally aced his trigonometry tests".
In his senior year at Columbine he took physics, advanced placement English and peer counseling in the morning and then went to Craig Hospital for three hours of theraphy. On September 25, 1999, he was elected Columbine's 1999 homecoming king. Patrick graduated from Columbine High School as a straight A student on May 20, 2000, and was a co-valedictorian at the commencement ceremon. Click here to view more pictures of Patrick.
Click here to view excerpts from a news conference held by Patrick, his parents and his doctor on May 7. You will need Real Player to view the clip. St. Anthony Central Hospital, Craig Rehabilitation Hospital The Patrick Ireland & Family Fund C/o Northwest United Federal Credit Union 6320 Old Wadsworth Blvd. P.O Box 547 Arvada, CO 80001 |
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