4.07 Musings Of A Cigarette Smoking Man

Original Air Date: 11/17/96






Chris Owens as Young Cigarette Smoking Man

Colin Lawrence as the troop leader

Dean Aylesworth as Young Bill Mulder

Morgan Weisser as Lee Harvey Oswald

Anthony Ashbee as the Corporal

Donnelly Rhodes as General Francis

Peter Mele as the Mob Man

Dan Zukovic as Agent Man

Gonzalo Canton as Cuban Man

Steve Oatway as the Supervisor

David Fredericks as the Director

Peter Hanlon as the aid

Michael St. John Smith as the Major General

Paul Jarrett as James Earl Ray

Laurie Murdoch as Lydon

Marc Baur as Matlock

Jude Zachary as Jones

Jerry Hardin as Deep Throat


This is the first episode I have seen who is just about CSM. I hope there will be more of them.


Lone Gunman Frohike may have found the secret past of The Cigarette Smoking Man. In The Lone Gunmen's Office, he reveals his theory to Mulder and Scully. Hiding in a nearby high rise, The Cigarette Smoking Man eavesdrops on them with electronic listening devices, with his sniper rifle pointed at the office's front door. Who will be his next target?

Frohike believes CSM was orphaned as a baby. His father, a Communist spy, was electrocuted. His mother died of lung cancer. In 1963, he was a cigarette-smoke-hating (!) Army Captain, whose only friend is the proud father of 1 year old Fox Mulder. Recognizing his capabilities, the right-wing conspiracy that operates within the shadows of the official government recruits the young officer. His first assignment is the assassination of JFK. In its successful aftermath, he lights his first smoke. . .and becomes The Cigarette Smoking Man.

By 1968, even J. Edgar Hoover takes orders from CSM, and no President has ever suspected he exists. CSM personally takes charge of the operation against Martin Luther King. Yet, even CSM has a dream -to be a published author. Despite a pile of scathing rejections, he keeps writing his political potboilers under a pen name.

Christmas 1991: CSM has covertly started wars, assassinated world leaders, rigged elections, the Oscars, the Olympics, the Super Bowl and moved Rodney King trial to Simi Valley. Despite his power, he's a lonely man living an empty life. He still can't get his written works published. And with the Soviet Union gone, he doesn't even have any enemies left.

Then it happens. A survivor is discovered in the wreckage of an alien craft. His mysterious associate, known to Mulder and Scully as Deep Throat, executes the only alien which survived the crash. CSM has a new purpose, and new truths to conceal. He goes forth on his mission with a vengeance. Young FBI agents Fox "Spooky" Mulder and Dana Scully take on the "X-files". Unknowingly thay are part of CSM's plans.

CSM is jubilant when a magazine finally accepts one of his stories. He prepares his resignation, and lights his last cigarette. Until he realizes the magazine is nothing but a cheap girlie rag, whose editors even had the nerve to change the story's ending. With all his dreams destroyed, he sits on a park bench and muses about the similarity of life to a cheap, tasteless box of chocolates. Resuming his role, CSM lights up a smoke.

Present time: CSM's finger is on the trigger of a sniper rifle, ready to repeat the act which started his shadowy career. He watches Frohike leave the office. Does he shoot? No. He can kill Frohike any time he chooses, and revels in that power.



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